Glenda Jacobs joined St. Joseph’s in 1980 and after 42 years of loyal and faithful service, is retiring. Glenda started working in the reception area in August 1980 and then moved to the Finance department where she learnt to do the salaries (manually as there were no computers at that time), bookkeeping, patient statistics as well as supporting the Finance Manager with general day-to-day finance duties. She has held this position for the past 42 years and gained a thorough knowledge and experience in the running of the Home and was able to assist anywhere in the Administration department when needed.
Glenda has fond memories of the early days working closely with the Sisters who were strict but very caring. There were fewer patients then, mostly long-term, giving Glenda the opportunity to get to know them. Even though she worked in the admin block, visiting the wards to say ‘Hi’ to the children was a regular and important part of her day.
Glenda has been a hard-working and valued member of the St. Joseph’s team for over 4 decades and will be missed. The Board members, Management Team and staff want to thank her for her faithful service. We are so grateful for her contribution towards making St. Joseph’s the place it is today. Enjoy your well-earned retirement, Glenda!